Thursday, 14 January 2016

Gift #462

How can you feel good about yourself without feeling the need of anyone else's approval?


First and foremost, believe you matter. Believe that you have inherent value and worth. Believe you are important.

Believing that you have something important to offer life creates a significant degree of self-confidence (I matter, after all) and reduces the role insecurity plays in our lives. Even if what you have to offer is as yet undiscovered, believing it is there, waiting to be discovered (or uncovered) is important to our happiness.

Society can damage us. Our parents can damage us. Our culture can damage us. You may have been called names, put down, neglected, told you were no good. But don’t believe it. You are not the opinions of your parents. You are not the product of your culture. You are so much more.

You are also your own potential. Believe that your potential is without limits, that you can be the man or woman you aspire to be. Believe in who you are. Believe in the best part of you and in who you can become. Don’t define yourself by your weakest parts. Every seed has a potential forest in it. Believe there’s a forest in you too!

Twinkle Thakkar ✨
Happiness and Health Coach

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