Saturday, 12 March 2016

Gift #520

When we look at ourselves we find that most of our beliefs or perceptions of reality that we have are somewhere linked to the beliefs that our parents had. Though we may learn a lot through our formal education or from nature and environment around we end up having the same paradigms we had as kids.

Scientific evidence shows that upto the age of 7 years the subconscious mind just keeps recording information it receives. It like an empty ipod receiving a list of different songs. What we then play is whats already within us.

So if we currently are playing a materialistic song and are unhappy with it we really need to learn a new happy song record it and add it to our collection.

We can consciously learn this happy song anytime, however to implant in our subconscious mind requires constant repetition and practice later in life.

Hence its very important to educate children to be happy earlier in life.

Twinkle Thakkar ✨
Happiness and Health Coach

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